The "secret" of moving forward in society/GENERAL ARTICLES

The "secret" of moving forward in society

Smilies, Emoticons, Especially, SOCIETY

 As a nation, our "IQ" level is much higher than other nations, but we have some moral weaknesses in which we are still behind them even in today's advanced age. One of them is moral weakness. We have a lot of confidence in our caste, ability and competence and in our opinion we are all "worthy and superior" but when it comes to another individual or society then we "Zero" occurs. So you may have seen many times that in this society there is a great lack of "fulfillment of the covenant". Many people start a work but do not complete it. Man needs other human beings. That is why if To become a Superman, you have to rely on other humans. You have to rely on your driver, your system and your superiors, but on the other hand, when we see that the standard of commitment and work in society If it is very bad, then the person gets discouraged and says: "I am fine alone." A person who is disgusted with people is also the same person who is tired of other human beings.

Who will keep the promise?
 Only a person who has a strong will power can fulfill his promise. Strong will power means that when a person decides to take a step, then he will pass it. Will power is a wonderful thing. It prepares a person to stand and stand firm in any intention, decision and place. Your will power is behind the place where your feet are fixed. The muscles of will power are inside the human mind. They have no body, break repeated promises, make, start work and leave it unfulfilled, dream and then leave it unfulfilled, leave the book in the middle of the beginning. It is up to you to strengthen them or weaken them. Most of you have seen people who are addicted to drugs sell everything in their house. If any of you have left your house without a janitor for a few days, you will know that the pipes and taps of the house go down. Who does this now? These are the same people who are addicted to drugs. They can go to any extent. Because they do not have Will power, they do not have control over their caste. The power of their will is gone.

 The essence of the whole philosophy of Islam is that man should strengthen his will power and understand its example as follows: The command is "Do not judge in a state of anger. Do not even approach prayers in a state of intoxication!" "Because the state in which a person is angry", even in intoxication, the frequency of his mind is on the same state from which the power of his decision is lost.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal and his Will Power
 Morphine is a drug that was discovered after 1930. Before that it was not so common and was not taken as an injection. In the last days of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal's life when his condition became very bad and the pain became severe. So the doctors prescribed him an injection of morphine. But he flatly refused. Allama Sahib said, "I want to experience death with all my senses and the consciousness with which I fell in love." The word that I have been adhering to all my life, lest I give it up in a state of intoxication. ”He accepted the pain but did not agree to give up his word and consciousness.
 Intention is your Islam and this is your religion. In which there is no intention, it becomes useless for the world. You may have seen that no human being employs a drug addict. The reason is that there is no trust in his intention. If he is faithful, then he is just as terrible. If he comes to die, he will die for you, and if he comes to sell, he will sell your car, broken, even everything, that is, when he wants drugs, he will The thought that you own it will disappear in a second.
 All the animals in the world that can be trained are allowed according to sharee'ah, because he knows that this man is my master and I am his pet. That is why you cannot raise a wolf. Because in hunger his instincts and bestiality overwhelm him so much that he can eat his master. If he loses the power of recognition, it means that his will is weak and he does not have Will power. ۔

Different angles of society
 We can't see this society with just one eye, for that we have to look at it from many angles, then we understand what is happening in our country. One angle is that addiction has increased here and according to the latest report, the whole world is addicted. Karachi is the second largest city in the world after New York and the addiction to "ice" is increasing day by day. Even a woman was saying in a state of anxiety that her 11-year-old child is addicted to "ice". Now that children have become addicted to drugs at such a young age and intoxication is also a certain death, then we as a nation can take stock of ourselves and see how weak we have become.

Leaving work in the middle
 Another thing that is growing a lot in our society is that there are a lot of "runaways" here. Everyone is running away from their responsibilities and duties, even if a person is working somewhere. It is not difficult to get out, he can resign in just two minutes and leave, but the requirement of morality is that a person should fulfill his vow and leave with a sense of responsibility, obeying the law of this institution. Go

Lack of sincerity
  In our society, from objects to human beings, there is a lack of sincerity everywhere. A brother is a brother only for the sake of interest, not at all. You get tired, but when he comes down, no one asks him.

 If we look at society from another angle, materialism has increased a lot here. People weigh man in the scales of money and materialism. Everyone thinks that how much money does the person sitting in front have? What is his status? Here position and power are saluted, not human beings. Like Sheikh Saadi, when he went to an invitation, the gatekeepers did not let him in. No, where did this poor man come from? Toshikh Saadi went back and came back dressed in good clothes, then all the doors opened immediately. When he sat down to eat, he kept dipping the cuffs of his clothes in the broth. The hosts asked: He replied: "You people have not allowed me to come to this party, this is what he will eat now."
 We are in the same situation, that is why we do not get a pure servant. In this society, man's trust in other human beings is declining. Here, measurement is done on the basis of material things and not on morals and character. In future, Pakistan's problem is not electricity, water and gas but lack of reliable human beings. ۔

Society a well
 I mentioned one thing. Everybody here mocks your progress and good performance. I consider this society to be a well. Anyone who tries to get out of it is told, "Your mind is bad." Well, if you are lying in the well, then what is the need to get out. When the man tries again, his courage is broken, he is discouraged, saying, "No, it's not your business, you can't do it." The next step, when he got out of the well. When he comes out on the back of his hard work, the people of the well start hurling insults and criticism at him.
 The calm in this society is what is inside the well and if you are lucky enough to get out of the well then you are "unique" and this society accepts the unique person with great difficulty. As Wasif Ali Wasif says that "The truth is stoned by all lies."

The mature man of words becomes great
 remember ! A person who has repeatedly broken his promise in his life does not have the will power. He can become an ordinary person but he cannot become a "great". A great person is one who is a great man. Even after his imprisonment, he kept the same ideology that he had before he went to jail. For the crime he was imprisoned for, when he came out, this ideology was further strengthened, and then there came a time when US President Barack Obama was imprisoned. Went to the barracks where Nelson Mandela spent 27 years of his life. The US President writes in his remarks there: "I salute the" commitment "with which Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison."

More opportunities to create a location
 In a society where there is such a great famine of men, there are more opportunities to make room. Here, "a little good" is also very good. If you are commented, if you are a little good-natured, if you really If you have a spirit of sacrifice, you are different from 98% of the people. Here you can create a unique place with your honesty. You can make yourself stand out by fulfilling your sincerity and promise. We can increase our wealth in any business by giving up greed and creating fear of God. We can become the best human beings by giving priority to sincerity and humanity instead of materialism. We can make service our motto and bless our livelihood. You can do this. You can achieve the abundance of blessings by creating the quality of sharing by demonstrating the highest virtue. You can differentiate between rich and poor and by loving each and every human being, you can become a "beloved" personality. There is no room left for this throat
Society is bad and there are no opportunities to move forward.
 Even a modest "diya" is prominent in the dark, but it is too late to become a "diya".

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